Battle Buddy Podcast

Our Mission:

The mission of the Battle Buddy Podcast is to educate, guide and connect, military, veterans, and their loved ones with the information and resources to help them grow and thrive. Each episode is designed to educate or inspire our listeners or viewers to take action and improve their life or situations.

“We should take every opportunity to enrich our lives and the lives of our brothers and sisters in arms. We have a motto of not leaving our own behind, so let’s not do it now! Join me and our guests in spreading positivity, stories, love, and inspiration for our brothers and sisters to follow!” - Keith McKeever: Host

Some Of Our Past Guests

  • Richard Kaufman

    The “Comeback” Coach

  • Joey Mac Dizon

    Mobile Cigar Lounge

  • Brian Conwell

    Paralympic Athlete

  • Thom Shea

    Ret. Navy Seal & Author

  • Justin Charpentier

    Digital Marketing Spec.

  • Tanya Jones

    CEO: Interactive Agency